The Saxtons River Fourth of July celebration is a longstanding tradition (75 years we’ve been told!) that brings the community together for loads of summer fun! 


This year’s theme is “Parade through Paradise!” Come help us showcase what about Saxtons River makes it the best place in the world! We’ll have a new t-shirt design for 2024 and are looking to expand the parade and other offerings. We’re excited to announce that FACT-TV, WOOL-FM and Rockingham Recon will be helping promote and record the day’s festivities. Be on the lookout for these media partners at the Street Fair!


Please plan to make a day of it! Activities will begin early and go on all day so bring a beach chair or blanket, your sunscreen, maybe even an umbrella to provide a bit of shade.


Find all of the opportunities to be part of the parade, street fair, music, food, and games.
We need volunteers! If you’d like to participate “from the inside” please let us know!

Everyone is invited to participate in the parade. This year, there’s a $500 prize for the best entry!

Learn More about the Celebration:

The 2024 Fourth of July Celebration is discussed on The FEED.